Watch Train to Nowhere: Inside an Immigrant Death Investigation Online

watch Train to Nowhere: Inside an Immigrant Death Investigation
Train to Nowhere: Inside an Immigrant Death Investigation

Train to Nowhere: Inside an Immigrant Death Investigation Online

  • Genres: Documentary
  • Release Date: 01/06/2010
  • Duration : 1 hour
  • Director: Colleen Krantz
  • Production: Storytellers International Inc., Pink Spear Productions
  • Country: Guatemala, United States of America
6 /10
1 votes


When eleven bodies are found inside a freight car in Iowa, a New York man is certain his missing younger brother will be listed among the dead. The Guatemalan immigrant joins investigators in a search for the smugglers who locked a group of undocumented immigrants inside the railcar to throw off Border Patrol inspectors. This documentary offers an in-depth look at the investigation and those involved -- from the Guatemalan brothers to a key immigration agent to a man charged in the case - in a tragedy that made headlines internationally.
